One of the most important tools a nurse can use in practice is the nursing process. Although nursing schools teach first-year students about the nursing process, some nurses fail to grasp the impact its proper use can have on patient care. In this article, I will share information about the nursing process, its history, its purpose, its main characteristics, and the 5 steps involved in carrying out the nursing process. After reading this article, you will be able to answer the question, “what is the nursing process” and understand what is involved in each of the 5 steps of the nursing process.
Additionally, throughout this article, after discussing a step of the nursing process, I will share an example of how the nurse would proceed with that step. For this article’s purposes, we will use information about the following patient: Mr. Collie, a fifty-four-year-old white male being admitted to the Medical-Surgical floor for acute congestive heart failure.
The nursing process is a series of steps nurses take to assess patients, plan for and provide patient care, and evaluate the patient’s response to care. It is considered the framework upon which all nursing care is based.
The earliest version of the nursing process was introduced in 1955 by Lydia Hall. Ms. Hall identified three steps of the nursing process: observation, administration of care, and validation. Other versions of the nursing process appeared throughout the next decade.
Dorothy Johnson, in 1959, described nursing as "fostering the behavioral functioning of the client.” Ms. Johnson’s version of the nursing process included the three steps: assessment, decision, and nursing action.
Finally, in 1961, Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier introduced the version of the nursing process known to nurses today.
The nursing process as we know it today is based upon the “Deliberative Nursing Process Theory” developed by Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier. Ms. Orlando-Pelletier's version of the nursing process includes five steps: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
The purpose of the nursing process is to establish a standard of care where nurses assess patients and create plans of action to address individualized patient needs. The nursing process has other purposes, as well, including but not limited to the following.
• Establishes plans to meet patient needs
• Guides nurses in the delivery of high-quality evidence-based care
• Protects nurses against potential legal problems
• Promotes a systematic approach to patient care that all members of the nursing team can follow
There are several characteristics associated with providing nursing care. The following is a list of the seven main characteristics of the nursing process and an explanation for each one.
Perhaps the most essential characteristic of the nursing process is that it should be used within the nurse’s legal Scope of Practice.
Effective use of the nursing process requires the nurse to utilize nursing knowledge and skills to identify and resolve problems. Nurses should develop and continuously strengthen critical thinking skills and the use of evidence-based nursing interventions.
A well-thought-out approach to patient care leads to organized, systemic patient care that is delivered efficiently and in order.
It is imperative that nurses understand the importance of client-centered nursing care. The nursing process characteristic of client-centered care helps nurses plan care that is individualized to the patient. It also supports patient autonomy, which is every patient’s right.
As the title suggests, goal-directed care is a form of nursing care delivery based on achieving individualized goals to achieve desired patient outcomes. Goals are created through the collaborative efforts of nurses, other members of the healthcare team, and patients.
When planning patient care, it is necessary to identify all health issues and risk factors and prioritize patient care, focusing on the most serious issues first. As you learn about the nursing process steps later in this article, it will become evident that the process is continuous, and nurses must repeat steps. As continued assessments and evaluations occur, and depending on the patient’s response to care, the order of priorities in the care plan may change.
The nursing process is a dynamic process as it is constantly affected by the patient's needs, circumstances impacting their needs, and the environment in which care is applied. It encompasses emotional, physical, social, and medical aspects. Each phase of the nursing process interacts with and is influenced by other phases in a cycle of activity. From the time of admission until the patient is discharged from care, the dynamics of the cycle of nursing care continues.
The nursing process consists of five steps which encompass the care provided. The five nursing process steps are:
1. Assessment
2. Diagnosis
3. Planning
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
The following are explanations for each step of the five steps of the nursing process, information about why each is important, the main objectives of each step, the skills needed to complete each step, challenges nurses may face in each step, and a real-life example for each step.
The patient is the nurse’s main source of information. Therefore, it is essential to establish rapport with them as soon as possible.
with the patient's family or caregivers when appropriate. Family members, friends, or other caregivers often offer insight into what is going on with the patient. It is important for nurses to listen to the patient’s support people and gather any information available.
When the patient feels comfortable, it makes it easier to get the necessary information that will be used to establish a plan of care. The patient interview is one of the main sources of information used to plan patient care.
Any information that is measurable or observable such as vital signs and test results is considered objective data.
The assessment may include but is not limited to, the following aspects: environmental, physical, cultural, psychological, safety, and psychosocial assessments.
The following is a guideline of what should happen during the assessment phase.
During the assessment phase, the nurse collects objective and subjective data using proven methods to assess the patient. The most common methods for collecting data are the patient interview, physical examination, and observation.
The patient interview is a deliberate or intended communication or conversation with the patient. It is used to obtain information, identify problems that concern the patient and/or the nurse, evaluate changes, provide support, and educate the patient and family/caregivers.
The nurse will also conduct a head-to-toe nursing assessment addressing each body system and noting any abnormalities, complaints, or concerns. Observation requires the nurse to use all their senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing) to learn about the patient.
After collecting data, the nurse must organize and validate data and document about the patient's health status. Validation is the process of verifying data to be sure it is factual and accurate. Nurses must be careful to not come to conclusions without adequate data to support their conclusion.
It is also necessary to understand the difference between inferences and cues. Cues are signals the patient uses to alert the nurse about a concern or question or objective data the nurse can observe or measure. Inferences are the nurse's conclusion or interpretation based on cues.
For example, the patient may complain about a painful incision two days post-operatively, and the nurse may observe the incision site is red and feels hot. These are cues. The nurse then makes an inference that the operative incision is infected.
After data from the assessment is collected, organized, and validated, it must be recorded. One thing I always tell nursing students and cannot stress enough to any nurse is, "If you didn't document it, you didn't do it." While that may seem harsh, from a legal standpoint, if a nurse is asked to verify care or treatment and there is no supporting documentation, there is no way to prove the care occurred.
There are days when nurses feel as though there aren’t enough hours to accomplish all the work that needs to be done. When you are short-staffed or have several patients waiting for a nursing assessment before you can initiate care, it can feel a bit overwhelming.
Even on the busiest of days, it is important for nurses to perform thorough nursing assessments for all patients assigned to them. That means it is necessary to learn to manage time efficiently. The first step in overcoming limited time is to be familiar with the format or forms your employer uses to record assessments.
For example, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 advanced the adoption and use of electronic health records. Nearly one hundred percent of hospitals use some type of EHR. Electronic health records have helped improve workflow by eliminating time spent pulling physical charts or documenting in paper charts.
It is not uncommon for interruptions to occur when nurses are performing assessments. While some interruptions may be necessary, all are not. Interruptions during patient assessments can delay care and could result in errors or omissions.
The best way to overcome the challenge of interruptions during the assessment step of the nursing process is to provide for privacy before you begin the assessment.
Whether you are working in triage, assessing a patient newly admitted to your floor, or in a busy emergency room, it is possible to reduce interruption. Pull the privacy curtain closed if you are in an area with more than one patient or several staff close by. Some facilities use "Do Not Disturb" or "Room in Use" signs to provide privacy for nurses and patients.
Every nurse knows the importance of a good nursing assessment. Newly graduated nurses are less experienced than other nurses and may feel uneasy about performing a nursing assessment alone. Additionally, if your facility changes its documentation format or implements a new program for charting, and you've not yet used the program, your inexperience could pose a challenge when doing an assessment.
The only way to overcome inexperience is to become experienced. Nursing assessments are typically classified as either a Complete Health Assessment or a Problem-Focused Assessment. Know which type of assessment you need to perform.
Gather basic equipment: gloves, thermometer, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, penlight, and watch. Establish a sense of trust and respect between the patient and yourself.
No matter which type of assessment you perform, it should be systematic, making sure you cover each body system. If you assess each body system and make notes about what is normal/abnormal, you decrease the chances of omissions in documentation. Remember, take your time, trust your instincts, and if you need help, ask for it.
Patient anxiety can create a significant challenge for nurses during a patient assessment. Anxiety can hinder communication making it difficult to gather all the necessary data. If anxiety is bad enough, it can cause changes in vital signs, which could be misinterpreted as something more than an anxious reaction.
Before beginning an assessment, take the time to make your patient comfortable. While you may not have time for a long conversation or "get to know you" session, you can ease your patient's anxiety by being calm and friendly.
Some questions may make patients feel uncomfortable, especially teenagers. Allow them time to answer your questions without feeling rushed. Verify their understanding by asking if they can explain what you've discussed in their own words.
Remember, everyone gets nervous or anxious at times, and when we are sick, it can be worse. It's nothing personal against you or your skills. Make everything about the patient.
Whether it is fear of the unknown, embarrassment, or another reason, there are times when patients may be apprehensive about sharing personal information.
Lack of information or omission of details that the patient may think is irrelevant may negatively impact the process of care planning. Therefore, while it is easy to understand a patient's apprehension, it is crucial for nurses to gather as much information as possible when performing a nursing assessment.
It can be easy to feel frustrated if a patient is not forthcoming about symptoms during an assessment. Keep in mind, being sick and needing medical care can be frightening.
The best way to get patients to talk to you is to be accepting of them, no matter what. Be sure to tell your patient you are there for them and will work with them to help them get better. When you say things like you will "work with them," it lets your patient know you are going to do your part, but you expect them to do theirs as well.
Date of Admission: 04/19/22 Time: 13.30
Transported By: J. Mock, LPN
Age: 54 yrs. 2 mos. Sex: M Height: 6’2” Weight: 268lbs 4oz
Attending Physician: Dr. Michael Coulvan
Date of Birth: 03/04/1968
Admitting Diagnosis: CHF, acute
Vital Signs on Admission: Temp 98.8, Resp. 20, Pulse 76, BP 136/80
Allergies: NKDA, no food allergies
Patient Name: Jerold R. Collie
Address: 123 Blakely Lane, Clayton, MO. 1234
Phone: (318) 555-1234
• Neurological: Alert & Oriented x3; PERRLA, Unaided hearing; Bilateral hand grips equal; Bilateral foot push equal; no evidence of tremors; denies tingling, burning, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, disorientation, visual disturbances, or hx/o brain injury or stroke.
• Cardiovascular: Pulses present, regular, and strong: x2 upper extremities (Radial); present X2 lower extremities (Pedal); heart rate regular, strong; capillary refill
• Respiratory Status: Respirations even, labored; Dyspnea on exertion; Lungs: Bilateral rales in lung bases; Cough: Nonproductive; Oxygen: 2L per NC
• Gastrointestinal: Reports 10 lb weight gain in last two weeks. Continent of bowel; Last BM 4/19/22; Laxatives: No, Enemas: No; Hx of Constipation: No
• Genitourinary: Continent of bladder; Uses urinal prn; urinal emptied of approximately 200 cc clear, amber urine
• Integumentary: Skin is pink, warm, and dry; Mucous membranes pink and moist
• Musculoskeletal: Reports pain and stiffness in joints of hands mostly in the a.m.; denies history of gout, arthritis, bursitis, or fractures; Negative paralysis; Negative contractures, No congenital anomalies; No prosthetic devices; Able to carry out most ADLs with minimal assist but may require periods of rest r/t dyspnea with exertion; Uses walker for ambulation.
Location: Headache Intensity: Constant, throbbing Pain Scale: 5
Functional Status: Full weight-bearing; Ambulatory with 1 person assist; Client uses walker occasionally; No supportive devices
Psychosocial: Client is alert, friendly, and answers questions readily; Comprehension: rapid.
Marital Status: Divorced; Client lives alone in his own home; Has two adult children who live nearby and visit frequently; Client reports he has several close friends who call or visit often.
Prior Medical History: History of hypertension; Denies any other medical issues prior to this admission.
Substance Use: Client reports previous substance abuse, methamphetamine was his drug of choice. Client states he has been substance and alcohol-free for three years.
Family Medical History: Paternal hx/o CHF, HTN, and Lung Ca. Maternal hx/o DM, and HTN.
The assessment phase of the nursing process lays the foundation upon which all other nursing process steps build. The information gathered during the nursing assessment tells the nurse about the patient’s history, current complaints, medications, and any other pertinent information that may impact care planning. Without a thorough, proper patient assessment, it is impossible to develop a patient-specific care plan.
Nurses collect data during the assessment phase by communicating with the patient, spouse, and caregivers, reading patient records, nursing observation, and collecting measurable data such as vital signs.
Subjective data is any information the nurse collects through communication. A few examples of subjective data include the reason for the patient’s visit to the doctor, patient or family medical history, medications the patient is taking, and any symptoms such as chills, aches, or pain.
Objective data is any measurable information obtained from sources other than the patient. For example, the patient’s height, weight, vital signs, and laboratory or diagnostic test results are objective data collected during a patient assessment.
Nurses collect verbal data by talking to patients, their family members (when appropriate), and other members of the healthcare team. Subjective matter is usually often the result of verbal communication during the patient interview.
Nonverbal data is collected during the assessment phase of the nursing process by observing the patient's body language, reading patient charts, or medical test results. For example, the patient may not offer a verbal report of pain, but the nurse may observe him clutching or guarding his side, which could indicate pain.
The nurse can use the nonverbal data to form assessment questions as a way of following up with what she has observed or read.
The primary source of data collection during the nursing assessment is the patient. Other sources include family, friends, caregivers, and other members of the healthcare team. Data are also collected from laboratory or diagnostic reports, the patient’s medical records, and the nurse’s observations.
Tertiary data are data gathered from sources such as the patient's chart, lab, or x-ray reports. Nurses may also use tertiary sources such as diagnostic manuals or textbooks to verify or compare information.
Nurses can use a few methods to verify the accuracy of data collected during the assessment phase of the nursing process.
A few ways to verify data is to clarify information with the patient by asking additional questions, compare objective and subjective data to see if there are any discrepancies, recheck data by repeating the assessment, and verifying data with another nurse or healthcare team member.
One example of verifying data is to perform repeat vital sign check. For instance, if Mr. Jones has a blood pressure reading of 220/100 but has no history of hypertension, the nurse should retake his blood pressure to validate its accuracy. If the nurse feels it is necessary, they may use different equipment or ask someone else to perform the vital sign check to check for accuracy.
The primary methods nurses use to collect data are observation, patient interviews, and head-to-toe assessments.
The nurse must identify what problem the patient is experiencing related to the medical diagnosis.
Any situation or problem that could result because of the patient’s medical diagnosis is a risk factor for a nursing diagnosis and must be addressed.
All data gathered during the assessment phase of the nursing process must be compiled, validated, and analyzed to support an appropriate nursing diagnosis.
Nursing theories involve an organized framework of concepts and purposes that guide nursing practices. A nurse’s theory is their unique perspective about the patient’s status and measures needed to improve the patient’s outcome.
• Data Analysis involves the nurse clustering cues, comparing patient data against standards, and identifying inconsistencies or gaps in the data.
• After data analysis, the nurse will work with the client to identify actual, risk, and possible diagnoses. In this step, the nurse will determine if an identified problem classifies as a nursing diagnosis, medical diagnosis, or collaborative diagnosis/problem. It is important to involve the patient in this step whenever possible, to identify the client's resources, coping abilities, and strengths.
Although there are resources and guidelines to help nurses develop nursing diagnoses, the process can be complex. Before nurses can create a nursing diagnosis, they must interview and assess the patient and review data, which can be time-consuming.
While you may not overcome the complexities of creating nursing diagnoses, it is possible to make the process easier.
For example, be sure to review all objective data, including baseline vitals, laboratory or diagnostic test results, and subjective data. Make sure the patient's medical history is accurate and find answers to any questions not yet answered. The more information you have to work with, the easier it becomes to develop diagnoses based on that data.
Some data are taken at face value, such as laboratory or diagnostic test results or vital signs, which are measurable. Subjective data is data reported by the patient. It is information given to the nurse by the patient based on the patient’s perception of what he is feeling. Despite efforts to appreciate the patient’s perception, nurses sometimes interpret data differently. When this happens, it can create a challenge when developing nursing diagnoses for the nursing care plan.
It is essential for nurses to have a clear understanding of which data is objective or subjective. Once the differences in data are realized, nurses must be careful to not rely upon only one piece of data or their own perception of data to create a nursing diagnosis. Instead, establishing nursing diagnoses should be a collaborative effort among the nursing care team. Nurses assigned to a patient’s care should discuss their perception of data and make informed decisions based on all data.
Nurses must review all available data, including but not limited to subjective and objective findings, lab and diagnostic test results, and narrative notes from the patient interview before a nursing diagnosis can be made. If the nurse does not obtain enough data during the assessment, it will be difficult to establish appropriate nursing diagnoses.
The best way to overcome the challenge of insufficient data is to perform a thorough assessment, patient and/or family interview, and make sure all results from any tests are readily available for review.
If you have reached the diagnosis phase of the nursing process and find you do not have enough data, go back to the sources of information and gather data. You may find that you need to reassess the patient or ask additional questions.
Although patients are assigned a primary nurse, nursing is a team effort that requires collaboration. When there is a lack of communication between nursing team members, information may be inadvertently omitted from notes or reports. This failure in communication makes getting a complete view of the patient's status difficult, resulting in challenges in developing appropriate nursing diagnoses.
Nurses must be alert and responsive to patients and one another. End of shift report is an excellent way for nurses to communicate changes in a patient's status. Nurses should make notes of anything pertinent before handing off care to the next shift nurse and clearly communicate concerns about the patient's progress or lack thereof.
When the lack of communication is resolved, nurses can compare information to use when establishing nursing diagnoses, ensuring the patient gets the best care possible.
There are four main types of nursing diagnoses: Problem-focused, Risk, Health Promotion, and Syndrome.
When nurses get to the diagnosis phase of the nursing process, they must determine which type or types of diagnoses are relevant to their patients. While experienced nurses may find it easier to decide which type of diagnosis to use, new or less experienced nurses may find it challenging.
Additionally, some healthcare facilities prefer nurses to use a specific type of diagnosis, which can be frustrating, especially if the nurse feels a different type of nursing diagnosis is more appropriate.
Overcoming the challenge of choosing the right type of nursing diagnosis requires understanding when each type is most appropriate. If the nurse has sufficient data from the assessment phase, they can then identify potential diagnoses and determine which type of diagnosis to use.
The following are the four types of nursing diagnoses and examples of each.
• Problem-Focused Nursing Diagnoses focus on a specific problem the patient is experiencing. This type of diagnosis has three components: a nursing diagnosis, related factors or diagnosis statement, and defining characteristics or the as evidenced by statement.
For example, the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could have a problem-focused nursing diagnosis of "Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to decreased lung expansion as evidenced by dyspnea and ineffective cough."
• Risk Nursing Diagnoses identify potential problems or risks the patient may experience because of his medical diagnosis. A risk nursing diagnosis typically has two components, the diagnosis, and risk factors. The patient with COPD may have a risk diagnosis of "Risk for Ineffective Airway Clearance related to decreased lung capacity."
• Health Promotion Nursing Diagnoses (a.k.a. Wellness Nursing Diagnosis) is based on the nurse's clinical judgment about the patient's desire and motivation to increase his well-being. These diagnoses focus on the client's transition from one level of wellness to a higher level of wellness.
Health promotion nursing diagnoses are usually one-part statements or include only a diagnostic statement. The COPD patient's Health Promotion Nursing Diagnosis may state "Readiness for Enhanced Wellness."
Although they share similarities, nursing and medical diagnoses are different. The nursing diagnosis is used by a nurse to identify a patient’s actual or potential risk(s), wellness, or responses to a health problem, condition, or state. A medical diagnosis is used by physicians to determine or identify a specific condition, disease, or pathologic state.
NANDA-I stands for North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International. NANDA-I is a professional organization that researches, develops, disseminates, and refines nursing diagnosis terminology. The organization was formed as NANDA in 1982, it was renamed NANDA-I in 2002 because of its increased worldwide membership.
Each nursing diagnosis is made up of four main components: problem and its definition, etiology, risk factors, and defining characteristics.
The primary purpose of establishing a nursing diagnosis is to communicate the healthcare needs of the patient among members of the healthcare team and within the delivery system. The nursing diagnosis allows nurses to facilitate individualized care for the patient and family and strengthens the profession.
The nursing diagnosis serves as the basis for selecting nursing interventions, which have a significant impact on patient outcomes. If an accurate nursing diagnosis is not chosen, the plan of care and subsequent nursing interventions may not address the patient’s issues appropriately resulting in negative patient outcomes.
Nursing diagnoses are ranked in order of importance. Immediate life-threatening problems or issues related to survival are given the highest priority.
The nurse reviews the nursing diagnoses and prioritizes them according to physiological and psychological importance. This step helps the nurse organize the patient’s nursing diagnoses into a format that promotes effective planning.
This objective of the planning phase of the nursing process involves setting goals related to each diagnosis. Goal setting helps to provide guidelines for nursing interventions and establishes criteria by which the care plan's effectiveness is evaluated.
Remember the acronym SMART when developing goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
After goals are established, the nurse can identify expected outcomes based on each goal. Outcomes should be realistic, mutually desired by the patient and nurse, and attainable within a designated amount of time.
After goals are agreed upon and established, the nurse then implements decision-making skills to select nursing interventions that are relevant to the nursing diagnoses. Interventions are prioritized in order of planned implementation.
After priorities, goals, outcomes, and interventions are established, the nurse must document the care plan.
In the planning phase, nurses identify goals and outcomes for patient care based on evidence-based practice guidelines. Once objectives of planning are met, the nurse creates a written plan of care, or care plan.
There are different formats for creating a care plan. If nurses do not know the format their facility uses, it can be easy to overlook components of the plan, which may impact the delivery of care and patient outcomes.
Not knowing how to format a care plan is probably one of the easiest challenges to overcome in the planning phase. With the implementation of electronic health records and programs that help nurses choose nursing diagnoses and interventions, creating care plans has become easier.
As a nurse creating a care plan, your job is to make sure all relevant information is included in the plan. The nursing diagnosis, interventions and expected outcomes, time frames in which outcomes should be accomplished, and a place to document evaluations should all be included.
Have you ever heard the saying, "Failure to plan is planning to fail"? That principle applies to everything in life, including patient care. No care plan is complete without clear goals and outcome identification. If there are no goals or an insufficient number of goals relevant to the nursing diagnoses, deciding on interventions is impossible.
The nursing care plan should always be patient-centered and individualized. Goals and outcomes should be tailored to meet each patient's needs and should be considerate of the patient's cultural beliefs and values.
Nurses use the nursing care plan as a road map that all members of the nursing team use to help the patient reach goals. It is vital that nurses establish goals that are attainable and relevant to the patient's specific needs.
In the planning phase of the nursing process, the nurse should establish short-term and long-term goals and determine the outcome associated with achieving those goals. Establishing goals and outcomes is vital to this step in the nursing process. Therefore, nurses should take the time to consider each goal and outcome carefully and discuss the plan with the patient and healthcare team.
While it is okay to be optimistic about a patient’s ability to achieve goals, it is essential for nurses to be realistic about what their patients can or cannot do. If goals are unrealistic, patients can quickly become frustrated. Frustration often leads to noncompliance, which can negatively affect patient outcomes.
After carefully determining nursing diagnoses, the nurse must determine which goals the patient can achieve realistically. Realistic goals are specific and well-defined, measurable, achievable, relevant to the patient's status and needs, and achievable within a specific timeframe.
To overcome the challenge of unrealistic goals, identify what is essential in helping the patient achieve optimal outcomes. Discuss goals with the patient, family, care providers, and nurse manager. Once realistic goals are identified, offer support and encouragement to the patient. The nurse should continually monitor and assess the patient's progress toward meeting goals.
Although nurses can create nursing care plans independent of patient input, excluding patients from plans about their care may lead to distrust or confusion. If a patient feels he cannot communicate with nurses or his opinion is not valued, it can result in noncompliance with the care plan and negatively impact the patient’s outcome.
When patients are involved in their care, the processes of planning and implementation seem to flow easier.
Nurses can overcome the challenge of limited patient output by promoting a comfortable, trusting nurse-patient relationship which encourages patient participation. Ask the patient about their health goals and what limits they feel may affect their ability to reach goals. Offer suggestions about desired goals and expected outcomes and explain why they are relevant to the patient's health and long-term well-being.
It is possible for nurses to create realistic goals and expected outcomes in the care plan but to set unrealistic time frames in which the patient is expected to meet those goals.
One reason this challenge occurs is nurses sometimes fail to plan care based on an individual patient’s abilities. Instead, they establish goals based on their perception of what any patient with the same diagnosis may be capable of achieving.
When working through the planning phase of the nursing process, nurses must consider patients as individuals with specific needs and abilities. The nurse should specify a time frame for achieving goals that is reasonable and that does not create undue stress or worry for the patient.
The following are goals and expected outcomes for Mr. Collie based on the nursing diagnoses of Decreased Cardiac Output and Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity.
1. The client will verbalize understanding of activities and lifestyle changes focused on reducing cardiac workload.
2. The client will demonstrate adequate cardiac output AEB vital signs within normal limits.
3. The client will report decreased episodes of dyspnea.
1. Monitor vital signs.
2. Palpate peripheral pulses.
3. Assess for signs of edema.
4. Monitor for signs of pallor or cyanosis.
1. Maintain skin integrity.
2. The client will verbalize understanding of techniques/behaviors to prevent skin breakdown by end of shift.
There are four main components of a nursing care plan: Client Assessment, including medical and diagnostic reports, Nursing Diagnosis, Desired Outcomes/Goals, Nursing Interventions with evidence-based rationale, and Evaluation.
The best way to write a nursing care plan is to include information associated with the nursing process steps.
• Assess the client: Review all relevant data, medical history, vital signs and assessment data, physical, emotional, spiritual, ad psychosocial needs, identify areas where improvement is needed, and establish risk factors.
• Identify Nursing Diagnoses: A nursing diagnosis is an actual or potential health problem that nurses can address without physician intervention. A few examples include risk for falls, risk for compromised skin integrity, and risk for dehydration.
• Set Goals: Setting goals requires establishing desired outcomes and identifying measures by which the patient will achieve them. Although there may be situations where it is not possible, it is ideal to set goals with the patient when they are able.
• Implement Nursing Interventions: Nursing interventions are actions taken by the nurse to help patients achieve goals and meet desired outcomes. Nursing interventions include initiating fall precautions, administering medications, and assessing the patient’s pain level.
• Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and change or update, as needed or indicated.
The next two FAQs about the planning phase are related to setting goals. Goals are statements of purpose describing an objective to be accomplished. All goals in the nursing care plan should be client-centered and measurable.
Each goal should focus on the problem, measures to resolve the problem, and rehabilitation. The time frame given to accomplish goals in the care plan varies, depending on the setting where patient care is provided.
A tip I always share with students is, if you are not sure how to write a goal, try converting the nursing diagnosis into a positive statement of action.
A short-term goal in nursing care plans is a goal focused on demonstrating a change in behavior. Short-term goals can be completed in as little as a few minutes or up to a few days. The nurse should consider what behavior the patient can most easily exhibit or identify to show understanding of goals and attempts to achieve goals.
For example, let’s consider the following nursing diagnosis and determine a short-term goal.
“Ineffective airway clearance related to decreased energy, fatigue, and pneumonia as evidenced by dyspnea, decreased breath sounds over affected lung, and ineffective cough.”
Short-term goal example: “Patient will identify and demonstrate behaviors to achieve airway clearance within eight hours of nursing intervention as evidenced by respiratory rate not greater than sixteen breaths per minute, and absence of dyspnea and cyanosis.”
Long-term goals are the desired outcome related to accomplishing one or more short-term goals for an extended period. In some cases, long-term goals can take weeks, months, or even years, to achieve.
Sample nursing diagnosis: “Situational low self-esteem related to change in functional abilities due to loss of body part as evidenced by preoccupation with missing limb, not looking at or touching stump following right above the knee amputation.”
Long-term goal examples: “Client will demonstrate adaptation to physical changes and acceptance of self as an amputee within ninety days following surgery; Client will develop plans for adapting to role modification and demonstrate positive self-esteem within six months.”
Planning occurs in three stages: initial, ongoing, and discharge. Initial planning occurs when the nurse performing the admission assessment develops a preliminary plan of care. Ongoing planning is the process of updating the patient’s plan of care as new information is collected and evaluated. Discharge planning begins at admission and involves the anticipation of the client’s needs and plans to meet those needs after discharge from care.
The nursing care plan is developed based on data from the initial nursing assessment. However, because a patient's condition can change quickly or nurses may obtain new data, ongoing assessments are necessary to validate the need for proposed interventions. Ongoing observations and assessments provide information supporting adaptations of the nursing care plan to promote improved, individualized care.
Utilizing data from initial and going assessments, the nurse then establishes priorities for implementing care. Prioritization is based upon which problems are considered most important by the nurse, patient, family/significant others, previously scheduled tests/treatments (diagnostic tests, surgery, therapy), and available resources.
Before implementing nursing interventions, the nurse must review proposed interventions and determine the skills and knowledge level required to safely and effectively implement them. For example, the nurse will consider if the patient can independently perform an activity, if a family member may assist, or if the activity requires assistance from a healthcare professional.
Although some interventions require the skills and knowledge of a registered nurse, others are less complex and may be delegated to licensed practical/vocational nurses or assistive personnel. The nurse allocates personnel resources by determining the needs of the client, the type of personnel who are available, and facility protocol for care.
After verifying priorities and determining resources, the nurse can initiate nursing interventions. Interventions are determined by the cause of the problem and often vary among patients with similar nursing diagnoses depending on expected outcomes for each patient.
When initiating nursing interventions, the patient's preference and developmental level should be considered. Additionally, nurses must review the physician's orders which may impact nursing interventions by imposing restrictions on specific factors such as the patient's allowed activity level or diet.
Whether a nurse is caring for one patient, or several patients, careful planning and time management skills are essential in this phase. Nurses must have psychomotor, interpersonal, and cognitive skills as these serve as competencies through which high-quality nursing care is delivered.
Psychomotor skills are necessary to safely perform nursing activities such as handling medical equipment competently.
Interpersonal skills help nurses establish therapeutic nurse-patient relationships and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.
Even when goals and desired outcomes are clearly defined, inexperienced nurses may find implementing nursing interventions challenging. Inexperience may occur because the nurse is newly graduated or if a nurse is transferred to a department where they have never worked.
While the most effective way to overcome a lack of clinical experience is to work as much as you can and gain experience, patient care cannot wait for us to feel comfortable performing unfamiliar tasks.
When nurses face challenges implementing patient care because of inexperience, the best way to overcome it is to speak up and ask for help. As a nursing instructor, I always encouraged my students to ask questions about everything. The only bad question is the one you do not ask. Nurse leaders, supervisors, and administrators appreciate nurses who readily admit when they need help or guidance.
Noncompliance is recognized by NANDA-I as a nursing diagnosis. It is defined as “the behavior of a patient or caregiver that does not correspond with the therapeutic plan agreed upon by the individual, family or guardian, and healthcare provider.” Noncompliance can negatively impact patient outcomes, reduce the patient’s quality of life, and result in increased healthcare costs.
One of the best ways to prevent or stop patient noncompliance is to involve the patient in all aspects of care planning.
Nurses should ensure the patient is educated about their illness, plans to manage the illness, and expected outcomes of therapies. Education should also include information about how noncompliance may negatively affect the patient's outcome. The patient's understanding of all education should be verified, and if the nurse is unsure the patient clearly understands, teaching should be repeated.
Psychosocial factors can impact all aspects of patient care. For example, if there is a presence of domestic abuse or violence, the patient may be afraid to discuss important issues related to care, which could result in misunderstanding established goals.
Psychosocial factors may seem a little tricky to navigate. However, if they become a factor affecting the implementation of the nursing process steps, nurses must find a way to try and address the issues.
For instance, if the nurse suspects a patient is afraid to discuss certain issues in the presence of others, the nurse should ask for privacy while talking to the patient. By doing so, the nurse offers the patient the opportunity to speak openly without fear of retaliation by an abuser. Then the nurse can discuss options for care with the patient and how to proceed moving forward.
Every step of the nursing process builds upon the previous step. Nurses must perform a thorough assessment and collect sufficient data before making nursing diagnoses. After a nursing diagnosis is established, interventions are planned to help resolve the issue(s) the patient is experiencing. If the planned interventions do not align appropriately with the care expected for a nursing diagnosis, implementing the care plan properly cannot occur.
It is vital for nurses to handle each phase of the nursing process with deliberate care and appropriate actions. Nursing care plans should be evaluated by the nursing team to ensure that the patient’s needs are addressed, and planned interventions are relevant to the nursing diagnosis/diagnoses.
The World Health Organization estimates a shortage of more than four million nurses in the United States. No matter how well-written a nursing care plan is, if there is not enough staff to carry out the nursing interventions, the plan cannot be successfully implemented.
Nursing documentation should be accurate and relevant to the patient. Use appropriate nursing language and facility-approved abbreviations. In the case of Mr. Collie, the nurse's documentation may look like the following narrative.
The first step in the process of implementing a nursing care plan is to determine what, how, and when an intervention should be performed. Once you know the what, how, and when, you can determine if the task can be delegated and to whom.
The three types of interventions implemented in the nursing process are independent, dependent, and interdependent.
• Independent interventions are actions nurses can perform on their own and do not require assistance from other team members. For example, routine tasks such as monitoring vital signs or assessing the patient's pain level are independent nursing interventions.
• Dependent interventions require instructions or input from the physician. For instance, if the patient needs a new medication, the physician must prescribe the medication and order the amount and frequency. Dependent nursing interventions are interventions the nurse may not initiate on her own.
• Interdependent interventions are also known as collaborative interventions. These interventions involve all members of the interdisciplinary team. For example, if a patient had a total knee replacement, his recovery plan may include a prescription medication from the doctor, assistance with dressing from the nurse or unlicensed assistive personnel, and physical or occupational therapy by the physical therapist or occupational therapist.
While many sources use the words interchangeably, intervention and implementation are defined somewhat differently. Interventions are planned nursing activities performed on a patient's behalf. They include assessment, adherence to medication therapy, and problem-solving. Implementation is the act of carrying out interventions.
Strategies to prioritize patient care typically include the use of nursing diagnoses combined with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
Any nursing diagnosis that suggests a risk or threat to the patient’s survival should be the nurse’s first priority. Remember your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation.
Other physiological needs necessary for survival are considered.
Psychosocial needs are then addressed.
Psychological needs including a sense of love or belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization are prioritized last.
Medication administration is part of the implementation phase of the nursing process steps. The nursing interventions outlined in the planning phase should include information about medication administration. When the nurse initiates the action of administering the medication, she is implementing the plan of care.
The effectiveness of nursing interventions is determined by evaluating goals and expected outcomes to determine if they provide direction for patient care. It is essential to evaluate nursing interventions because they serve as standards by which patient progress is measured.
The evaluation phase is not meant to make nurses feel as if their work is being critiqued or judged. Evaluation allows nurses to verify if the care they are providing meets the standard of care for the patient’s needs.
Evaluation involves reviewing all aspects of the patient’s care and determining its effectiveness in helping the patient recover. Because nurses work collaboratively with one another and other members of the healthcare team, the evaluation phase promotes the nurses’ sense of accountability to their patients and to one another.
In the evaluation phase of the nursing process, nurses compare and analyze data from the time the patient was admitted to care and determine if positive or negative trends are occurring. This data is helpful in deciding the next course of action to take in patient care.
Standards and goals are established during the planning phase of the nursing process steps and carried out in the implementation phase. Nurses use evaluation to determine the presence of changes in the patient's status relevant to the established standards.
The nurse uses assessment skills early in the nursing process to gather data used to establish goals and expected outcomes. Those same skills are vital for comprehensive, effective evaluation to occur. Nurses gather data to help determine the success of nursing interventions.
The data collected during the evaluation phase must answer the question, “Did the patient achieve the treatment goals and expected outcomes outlined in the care plan?” Nurses validate goal achievement by analyzing the patient’s response to nursing interventions outlined in the nursing care plan.
Effective nursing interventions address relevant patient needs. If the nursing intervention is efficient, it can be a primary factor related to helping clients resolve actual or potential problems or risk factors.
During the evaluation phase, the nurse must use critical thinking skills to determine which nursing actions contributed to improved patient outcomes and to what degree they were effective. This step in the evaluation process allows the nurse to analyze the patient's response to interventions, determine the benefits of those interventions, and identify opportunities or needs for change.
In the evaluation phase of the nursing process, the nurse uses observation and assessment skills to reevaluate the patient's status. In this step, the nurse compares baseline data collected in the initial nursing assessment with the patient's current health status.
Every nurse is responsible for documenting patient progress and other pertinent information. If one nurse fails to document and report patient changes or progress, or to record laboratory or diagnostic test results, it can lead to challenges when it is time for the evaluation phase.
The most effective way to overcome this challenge is to avoid it happening altogether. Be sure to document information about your patients during each shift. Any change in status, progress or lack of progress, subjective and objective findings, or other relevant information should be readily available for any nurse caring for that patient.
In a perfect world, patients would be admitted to care, nursing interventions would be implemented, and we would see positive results. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. One of the challenges nurses face in the evaluation phase is frustration related to slow progress or failing to meet goals.
Overcoming the challenges that occur when patients become frustrated takes patience and understanding.
If you find yourself in the evaluation phase of the nursing process steps and faced with this situation, take the time to talk to your patient. Assure them that progress does not always happen as quickly as we would like and encourage them to keep pressing forward.
Let your patient know that you are there to support and help them and that your priority is to see them improve. Sometimes all it takes to calm a patient and help them regain focus is an assuring word and calming presence.
It is not uncommon for patients to try and mask symptoms or deny concerns when nurses evaluate their progress. This is especially common when a patient has been hospitalized or in a care facility for an extended period and wants to return home.
In situations like this, a strong nurse-patient relationship and good communication skills are necessary. If you feel your patient is not being forthcoming about their progress, or perhaps new symptoms have emerged that they do not want to discuss, ask direct questions. Explain the importance of transparency when reporting progress, problems, or concerns.
As nurses, we naturally hope that interventions positively impact our patients and that we can see improvement when evaluating them. Family members hope to see their loved ones recover and return to normal, as well. A significant challenge nurses can face when evaluating patient progress occurs when the patient's status declines or there is little improvement and family members deny the reality of the patient's situation.
Many times, the fear of the unknown or lack of understanding is what causes family denial. If family members struggle with accepting the idea of continued care or changes in the plan of care, the nurse should acknowledge their concerns and offer support. When appropriate, talk with the patient and family together and discuss the previous plan of care and any suggestions for alterations or changes and the rationale for them.
Nurses understand that patients respond differently to care with some progressing faster than others, and the evaluation process helps to identify those patients who need extra time or updated care plans.
Unfortunately, because patients do not always understand the complexities of interventions and expected outcomes, it can lead to feelings of despair. If patients slowly progress or fail to meet goals and expected outcomes, their frustration sometimes leads them to give up or desire to seek care elsewhere.
When faced with this challenge, it is crucial for nurses to approach the patient with an attitude of empathy and attempt to discuss the patient's concerns. Depending on the patient's status and ability to understand, it may take some time and reinforced teaching to help them understand that slow progress is not failure. Explain your view of your patient's current status compared to his status on admission. Encourage the patient by assuring him that even slow progress is progress. Offer ideas of ways you think the care plan can be amended to suit his needs and ask for input.
Remember, despite your best efforts, there may be times when patients decide to terminate care. Unless the patient has been deemed incapable of making informed decisions, you may not interfere with his choice to leave your care. It is necessary to document everything you discuss with the patient and his response to your instructions and education.
The primary purpose of evaluation in the nursing process steps is to determine if patient goals and expected outcomes have been met or if the nursing care plan needs to be modified.
The steps of evaluation in the nursing process include collecting data, comparing data with desired goals and expected outcomes, analyzing the patient’s response to nursing interventions, identifying factors impacting the success or failure of the nursing care plan, continuing, modifying, or terminating the care plan, and planning future nursing care.
Although the nursing process is focused on nursing diagnoses and interventions, each member of the patient’s healthcare team has a role and the actions they take in patient care can impact the effectiveness of the nursing care plan. Therefore, the most effective way of improving evaluation in the nursing process, is to include the patient, family (when appropriate), and all members of the interdisciplinary team in the process.
Although healthcare facilities and organizations have minimum guidelines for the frequency of nurse evaluations, it should be an ongoing process involved in patient care. The patient’s status and the effectiveness of nursing interventions should be continuously evaluated, and the care plan should be modified, when necessary.
In the evaluation phase, nurses gather much of the same type of information as what is gathered during the assessment. During this phase, nurses review current vital signs and laboratory or diagnostic test results. They use information entered into the patient’s chart, such as nurses’ notes, flow sheets, and other pertinent information. Additionally, during the evaluation, nurses reinterview the patient and look for both subjective and objective data to determine if the plan of care was effective.
If you know where to look, you will find there are limitless resources focused on important nursing topics. The following are some useful resources, including journals, blogs, websites, YouTube channels, podcasts, and books that offer information about the Nursing Process.
• The American Journal of Nursing is a peer-reviewed, evidence-based nursing journal. It is the oldest nursing journal in the world and remains one of the leading resources for nurses. The Journal offers access to articles designed to help promote high-quality, effective nursing practices, including the article Advocating for HIT that Captures the Nursing Process.
• The Journal of Professional Nursing publishes articles focused on baccalaureate and higher degree nursing education, research, education and practice partnerships, and policy related to nursing education, including topics related to the nursing process.
• BMJ Journals- Evidence-Based Nursing researches international healthcare journals and implements measures to validate research and its relevance to nursing practice. ABN then publishes commentaries and summaries from the findings to educate nurses.
• The American Nurses Association is a professional organization established to advance and protect the profession of nursing. The ANA represents the four million registered nurses in the United States. The Association’s website offers many resources for nurses, including this article about the Nursing Process.
• is an online education resource to help individuals prepare for tests and offers opportunities to earn credits toward college degrees. The website offers several topics of interest for nurses and nursing students, including content about the nursing process. One lesson offered on the website is Nursing Process: Purpose and Steps.
• NursingCE is an online resource to help nurses meet licensing and continuing education requirements. The website offers access to its blog which features articles like A Guide to the Nursing Care Process written by Kathy Quan RN, BSN, PHN.
• The Nursing Process (ADPIE)- This video presented by That Nursing Prof, features a breakdown of the nursing process, explaining why it is essential for all nursing care and how it contributes to making the nursing profession unique.
• The Nursing Process- Featured on Nursing School Explained’s YouTube channel, this video explains the nursing process as the foundation of all nursing practice. It explains each phase of the nursing process in a little more than fourteen minutes.
• Mastering the Nursing Process (Top Tips)- NursingSOS breaks down the nursing process step-by-step in this video. The host offers her top tips on how to master using the nursing process in daily practice.
• Nursing with Dr. Hobbick: Dr. Stacey Hobbick is a nurse and nurse educator who shares her perspective on important nursing topics, including the Nursing Process.
• Nursing Mnemonics Show teaches about one nursing mnemonic in each of its three- to five-minute episodes, including Episode 22, Steps in the Nursing Process.
• The Nursing Podcast: Jon Haws, RN, is the host of Nursing Podcast, a Critical Care Nurse, Nursing School Mentor, and NCLEX Educator. His podcast features information relevant to new and experienced nurses alike, like the content found in the episode Learn the Nursing Process and ADPIE.
• Understanding the Nursing Process in a Changing Care Environment: Authors Mary Murray and Leslie Atkinson break the nursing process into organized steps to help readers comprehend. The newest edition of the book includes considerations for today's ever-evolving healthcare system and addresses issues such as cultural diversity, managed care, home health care, and illness prevention.
• Understanding the Nursing Process: This book guides student nurses and nurses wishing to improve the use of the nursing process, on measures to use the nursing process, concept mapping, and care planning. The authors offer need-to-know concepts and easy-to-understand learning activities and case studies.
• Applying the Nursing Process- The Foundation for Clinical Reasoning: In this book, readers find guidance to help them understand and apply each step of the nursing process, with emphasis on developing critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. The author offers strategies, tools, and examples to help nurses develop the skills needed to succeed in nursing.
Throughout this article, you learned the answer to the question, “what is the nursing process and what are the 5 steps of the nursing process?” Nurses who learn about the 5 steps involved in carrying out the nursing process and use them in daily practice help establish strong nursing practices and contribute to improved patient outcomes. As a nurse educator, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with each step of the nursing process and integrate its principles as you provide patient care.
While there are similarities in the methods, the approach to identifying problems, gathering information, and finding solutions differ between the nursing process and the scientific method. For example, in the scientific method, the first step is to question or identify a problem and then gather data. The first step in the nursing process is to gather data by performing an assessment. Then, the problem, also called the nursing diagnosis, is identified.
The nursing process is an effective way to put nursing knowledge into clinical practice and provide quality patient care. Because it is so effective, all nurses should utilize the nursing process in daily practice. Unfortunately, for various reasons, some nurses may not use the nursing process. As a former nursing instructor, I cannot stress the importance of using the nursing process enough. It provides an excellent guide for carrying out patient care and evaluating effectiveness of care.
Doctors do not use the nursing process. Physicians use a diagnostic approach to patient care. Their process of caring for patients involves focus on cause and effect of an illness or disease and emphasis on treating symptoms and restoring the patient to health. However, every member of the healthcare team is (or should be) aware of what the nursing process is and why it is important in patient care.
ADPIE is the acronym used to represent the five nursing process steps. It stands for Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
It is important for nurses to follow all the steps of the nursing process. In fact, the American Nurses Association’s Scopes and Standards of Practice describe a level of competent nursing care demonstrated through use of the nursing process. According to the ANA, the nursing process is “the essential core of practice for the registered nurse to deliver holistic, patient-focused care.”
Critical thinking helps nurses define patient problems and make intelligent, deliberate decisions about care planning and implementing care. Critical thinking is an essential skill for carrying out the nursing process because it helps nurses solve problems by gathering information and considering possible solutions before implementing an action plan.
Health information systems are systems that integrate data collection, processing, reporting, and the use of information to improve care delivery. Health information systems can increase efficiency and accuracy in all steps of the nursing process. Some software programs prompt nurses to ask specific questions, or if a value that is out of the acceptable range is entered, the system will flag the entry, so the nurse knows to verify the value. Most current systems have standard nursing diagnoses associated with symptoms as references. Once a nursing diagnosis is identified, those systems can quickly access information related to that diagnosis. The health information system also makes it possible to compare large amounts of data at once and identify achievable patient outcomes and estimate time frames for reaching goals.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory consists of five levels to prioritize care: basic physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization. Nurses can use the concepts of Maslow's theory in nursing practice to help prioritize care of multiple patients. Using Maslow’s theory, nurses prioritize which patients to see first and then prioritize the care provided based upon the Hierarchy of Neeeds Model.
The following are the levels of Maslow’s theory and examples of how the nurse may use them in the nursing process.
• Basic Physiological Needs: The nurse should ensure basic needs such as food, water, and elimination are met. Observing for respiratory and cardiac symptoms is included in this level.
• Safety and Security: Observe the patient's room/environment for safety risks. For example, a home health nurse would educate patients to remove throw rugs which could cause slips and falls.
• Love and Belonging: The nurse should build rapport with the patient and any family member/caregiver. Family support should be encouraged if the family’s presence is positive and does not cause the patient undue stress.
• Self-esteem: To use this level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory in the nursing process, the nurse can encourage the patient’s success and speak positively about their efforts.
• Self-actualization: Focus on short-term, then long-term goals, rehabilitation and return to home.
The implementation phase of the nursing process steps may include some tasks that can be delegated. Delegation involves the assignment of specific tasks or activities related to patient care to another person. For example, the registered nurse may assign the licensed vocational/practical nurse or nursing assistant specific jobs. The assignment must be delegated to someone capable of accepting the task and the delegator retains accountability for the task's outcome.
Registered nurses may not delegate tasks related to making nursing judgments to unlicensed assistive personnel. While LPN/LVNs do perform patient assessments, the initial nursing assessment and any assessment performed before changing a nursing care plan must be performed by the registered nurse. The assessment and evaluation phases of the nursing process steps may not be delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel at all.
The nursing process applies to pharmacology because it serves as a guide to creating an individualized medication therapy plan unique to the patient. During the planning stage of the nursing process, pharmacological interventions are addressed including defining goals, setting priorities for treatment, identifying pharmacological interventions, and establishing criteria for evaluating effectiveness.
Darby Faubion BSN, RN
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years of experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels. Because of her love of nursing education, Darby became a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach and assists nursing graduates across the United States who are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).