T he pictures here of the machines are a bit deceiving as the Zig-Zag (www.zigzag.com) model appears a much larger but these photos are not to scale. The machines are almost identical in size and both work in much the same way though they have have completely different methods for switching between King-Size and 100mm lengths. The "switch" that allows the change in tube size on the Premier machine is shown at top right and is a slot which requires a tool of some kind (like a small flathead screw driver) while the Zig-Zag machine's strategy is shown below it. Though different, both of these designs work by either restricting or allowing the slide to move as far as necessary to fill either size tube. They are both rather simple, but elegant solutions for those who want both size tubes in their arsenal. And they work well. Whether they will hold up to a lot of switching back and forth remains to be seen as both have all plastic components. However most people will use either Kings or 100 and probably not use the switch more than a few times during the life of the machine, keeping in mind that only a few packs of make your owns will save you enough
money to pay for either of these machines.
T he ZEN Quick Shooter from HBI (www.zensmoke.com) is identical to the CTC model (its made for HBI by CTC) but has its own decorative statement. A cool black exterior with a gold thumb pad make this machine by far the most attractive. Being identical beneath the surface to the CTC Quick fill, it uses the same slot based strategy for changing tube size. Three great and portable machines that should last longer than less robust models and provide the novice MYO user with a good idea of the true efficiency possible with the MYO experience. Like most HBI products, distribution will be robust and the price will be highly competitive. We have already received some feedback on these machines and most has been extremely favorable. Let us know as you try them as we are interested in their long term viability and how long you keep them before you switch to a bigger crank injector.
N ow the only crank injector to date that is specifically designed to work with both length tubes is the big blue Premier Supermatic. While it remains our recommended machine, it is not nearly as portable and costs several times as much. We think it is worth it and the dedicated MYO enthusiast usually winds up with this very machine. Still smaller units like the Excel and these new, larger hand-helds are certainly more convenient for certain methods of travel and because of their lower cost, do provide incentive for folks to try MYO for the first time. The Excel, in our opinion is more in the class of the Supermatic than these hand-helds. It is a great machine and frankly, I am as efficient on it as I am on the Big Blue. It won't last as long with heavy multiple pack per day use but I have no reason to inject that many smokes at a time. However, and I repeat, I would travel with these new lines of hand-helds, something I would have never done before with any hand held, especially for any extended period of time.
M ore interesting still is the fact that CTC (www.premiersupermatic.com) didn't stop with simply the creation of a larger more efficient hand-held. Even more innovative still is CTC's new "Double Injector" that was revealed at the RTDA recently. I had to do some serious arm twisting to get one before the show and to have them let me write about it before it was officially introduced. It is even bigger than the three machines discussed above and, though no faster to fill with tobacco, the addition of another tube to fill simultaneously somehow makes the whole process come off even more smoothly. There is a balanced feel to the injection process not unlike carrying one bag in each hand to balance the load rather than trying to carry everything unbalanced in one. This machine comes in the Premier, Rayo and Filterite badging, but they are
identical except for color. I really love the look of the Black Rayo machine. These machine are truly at home on the table top and have nice rubber cushions on their bottoms. This is yet another step to making the MYO process as user friendly, efficient and cost-effective as possible and nobody does it better than CTC. They make many injectors for others as private labels so many of your favorite hand injectors of the past may likely have come from the Clinton Tube factory. But these are a whole new ball game and if you really can't afford or are not yet ready to make the commitment to the larger more expensive table tops, these are a great place to start. We have had so many requests for multiple injectors and even electric automated ones, that this first step toward that end will no doubt be gratefully received by a pretty large group of people. These machine really are much easier to use than most hand injectors as their size allows a very firm grip in the sliding mechanism. And, as stated above, though they take more time to load tobacco into than crank style injectors and are less forgiving as far as overfills as well, this particular design speeds things up significantly by making two sticks at once. And the stick are made right with few cigarettes suffering from either the empty end or empty filter side of of the tube. I use one of these quite a lot and though I still much prefer my crank Excels and Supermatics, these have a fun novelty aspect to them that simply refuses to let me put them away entirely. *See a video demo of this machine from the RTDA by clicking here
T here really are no other new injectors to cover at this time so we are working on a series video demonstrations of the optimal use of these devices. We will do so very soon as we have already done with the rolling demo video in the roller section. There are many new innovations coming to this magazine and we look forward to bringing you one step closer to the actual experience of using one of these machine before you spend the bucks to own one. As more people go to broadband connection, video demos will become a matter of course. We feel comprehensive video will also enable those who already own these machines to get better and longer use out of them. Until all the video, in addition to the one above, is ready, enjoy what is here and don't forget to read the Archives and patronize our sponsors. - Doug
W e felt it important to repeat our recommendation for the successful use of these machines (these tips apply to all injectors generally, most especially the crank style). You will find this information once again at the bottom of this page.
N ow, as promised above, you again will find our recommendations for the care and use of CTC injectors.
T he CTC line of Supermatic, Supermatic II, and Excel injectors have given a boost to the make your own industry like no other single product line. CTC's commitment to quality, reliability, and customer service sets a standard to be followed by all other accessory manufacturers. But even with all of the above true, some people are still having trouble with these marvelous machines. Since 1995, we have been using, taking apart, tinkering, and making recommendations for the design of these machines and find little left to criticize. We share a lot of reader input as well with CTC. However, there are some parameters that must be followed in order to have your machine last as long as the ones we use, which is to say effectively for many years. Although some of the following information is already included with the manufacturer's instruction, we felt, knowing most folks hate reading directions, especially regarding products that appear so simple to operate, that an instruction/recommendation sheet from RYO Magazine might further aid those who manage to miss the existing directions for use. The following is a sheet that will be included in all future Supermatics and we assure you that if you follow them religiously, you will have few, if any, problems. Please read carefully what follows:
The Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II, and Excel machines are without peer in the world of cigarette tube injectors. However, as robust as these machine are, they, like all precision tools, must be used knowledgeably and with care. By strictly adhering to the following simple recommendations, the trouble-free life of these machines can effectively be extended indefinitely.
1 . Read all directions and save them, as well as this card, for future reference.
2 . Never allow anyone not trained in the use of these machines to use them. I cannot over-emphasize the fact that the single largest cause of injector failure is its use by someone who has not been trained by the owner of the machine or read the instructions that come with each machine.
3 . We have seen first-hand, many people putting downward pressure on the injector handle when injecting. This WILL invariably cause problems. Always use smooth and even force applied horizontally to the machine, never putting weight on the handle during the injection process.
4 . Use medium to fine-cut tobaccos of medium to long length, never pipe tobacco type cuts or other very short cut, bulky blends.
5 . Never use tobacco that is overly moist, or overly dry. The overly dry category includes the powdery tobacco residue often found at the bottom of tobacco bags. This "Shake" will definitely jam the injector.
6 . Finally should your injector become jammed, or even require a little more pressure than normal to inject, STOP immediately, open the injector "crank" and clear the tobacco chamber using a non-metallic probe. Follow this up with a few dry injection motions (no tobacco). Forcing the injector when jammed with tobacco is the primary cause of failure in all injectors.
7 . These machines have warranties that are a minimum of one year up to a Lifetime warranty on the Premier Supermatic. However, if you follow the above procedures, as well as adhere to the instructions that come with each machine, you will most likely never need to send a machine in for service.
Doug Kennedy
RYO Magazine
I tem # 3 above addresses what is considered a relatively new problem, but we suspect that this problem may have surfaced previously as a manifestation of the difficulty in holding down the original metal Supermatics. That older model had no rubber base and this fact alone may have contributed to an ergonomic issue for many people who subconsciously exerted downward force when they were cranking the machines in order to keep them from sliding around. The little black grommet/gasket/fitting that rests between the crank handle and the base is made of a hard plastic material that will deteriorate if stressed. We know that CTC is constantly working to improve their designs and the future may see better gripping points on the Supermatic top.
H owever, no matter what you do to improve any design that is meant to do the kind of work that a Supermatic is capable of, one can always find ways to break or damage it. The manufacturer now issues a one year warranty on the big blue guy and, while there is some inconvenience associated with returning products for repair even at no cost, considering the savings one achieves in making one's own cigarettes and not to mention the other benefits as well, we frankly feel that much too much has been made of these machines being damaged by SOME folks. While it is true that I broke my first Supermatic seven years ago within a month of getting it, I have owned many, and used MANY more since and they all have performed flawlessly. I learned quickly the machine's capabilities, vulnerabilities, and how best to use it. For a year and a half, we had demo machines at the store which were used extensively by novices (but with our supervision) and all of those, without exception, still perform as well as the day they were new. Still, as with any tool, you can screw them up. If you do, the information contained with your warranty will give you a number to call to return the machine or replace damaged parts if you so wish. You can also click on their banner below to go to the CTC Information page to find those contact numbers.
W ith the dollar savings one gains from making one's own cigarettes, the higher cost of a table top injector really is minimal for most people and is quickly absorbed in the savings that result. The less expensive and extremely well made Excel Platinum is, surprisingly enough, easier for some to use than the larger Supermatic and, consequently, it seems to have fewer problems for certain people. Even though it has some plastic functional parts, the recessed grip at the top of the machine does make it much easier to hold onto and therefore dissuades one from pressing down on the machine during the injection process. We love this little machine and see few returned because of damage. Part of the problem with the larger Premier Supermatic is that it is such a robust feeling machine that some fail to realize that a big, all metal machine that is as formidable as the Big Blue could still have limits to the amount of stress applied. For that reason we recommend that everyone who is serious about sticking with making their own cigarettes own both a Premier AND an Excel as a backup as well as a good hand-injector for travel. The smaller silver Excel is also great for traveling as it has no sharp edges and has shown itself to be very forgiving when packed amongst delicate items like clothes and electronics. Plus, it is a joy to use. And considering the fact that with a little shopping around on-line you can buy both machines for what some retailers charge for the Premier alone, this becomes a cost-effective solution should one or the other of your machines need repair. Places like D&R Tobacco ( www.cigarettetobacco.com ), American Thrust Tobacco ( www.americanthrusttobacco.com ), RYO Tobacco (www.ryotobacco.com ), as well as www.ryocigarette.com sell these machines at very fair prices.
T he Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II and Excel all have a one year warranty. The Lifetime warranty initially offered as an introductory promotion on the Premier Supermatic has returned to its normal one year warranty. The same rules above apply for the Excel as well as both Supermatics. Follow them with consistency and you will have a rewarding experience that will forever change your attitude about the way you use tobacco.
EDITOR'S NOTE: These reviews are solely for the convenience of people of legal age who already smoke, are trying to cut down on smoking, wish to spend less money on their smoking, want to roll their own cigarettes from high quality tobacco, and, in general, wish to have a far more satisfying, and economical smoking experience when compared with smoking pre-manufactured cigarettes. We, in no way, encourage people to smoke. Further, we prescribe to a sane, more logical approach to smoking that involves common sense as to quantity coupled with a strong desire to manage the habit until it becomes an occasional, freely chosen, diversion, that can be fully enjoyed with minimal health risks. Finally, we strongly encourage those who do smoke to take it outdoors, or to appropriate environments where tobacco can be enjoyed away from those who do not smoke, most especially children. We do not sell tobacco or related products from this site; We distribute information about our perceptions of the quality of what is available and where it can be obtained. If you are under 18, it is illegal to buy tobacco and you should immediately exit this site. If you do not smoke, it would seem illogical to start. |
� 1999 RYO Magazine
A Publication of
The Andromedan Design Company
RYO Magazine is a trademark of The Andromedan Design Company,
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