New Jersey Resources for English Language Learners

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Available resources for those whom English is not their native language.

Instruction and Outreach Librarian

Profile Photo

Andrew Dauphinee


New Jersey State Library
PO Box 520, 185 W. State Street
Trenton, NJ 08626-0520

609-278-2640 x155

Subjects: Education

New Jersey Resources for English Language Learners

New Jersey Resources for English Language Learners

The New Jersey State Library has compiled a wide variety of federal, state, and local resources for those whom English is not their native language. These resources range from government programs, ELL classes, and resources for citizenship. Please use the interactive map below to find local libraries and organizations that are currently offering ELL classes. It is highly recommended that you contact the organization to confirm their current offerings.

If you wish to be added to this map or need to change your information, please email Andrew Dauphinee.