Undergraduate courses

Studying Classics at the University of Bristol sees students and researchers explore enduring problems that span all of Western culture, from Greek and Roman antiquity through to the present day.

Single honours

Joint honours

Liberal Arts

The department also contributes to the following multidisciplinary courses in Liberal Arts:

Our teaching strengths

We encourage you to gain experience of the many different methods and approaches involved in the study of classics and ancient history today. These approaches are closely based on our own research activities, providing you with the latest critical thought on the subjects being taught. We also give you the opportunity to compare ancient and modern art, literature, politics and popular culture.

Our innovative approach to the teaching of classics and ancient history has earned the following praise from our external examiners, who are leading experts in the subject from elsewhere in the UK:

For more on the nature of our degree, see:

I thoroughly enjoyed having access to such a broad range of library material to learn more about areas I am interested in. I will always have an interest in the ancient world and the course has provided me with vital skills such as writing, independent research and structuring an argument.

Tom (BA Ancient History, 2013)

Applying to Bristol

Studying Classics and Ancient History at the University of Bristol

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Our students run the busy and friendly Classics and Ancient History Society, organising events and trips which allow members to share and develop their enthusiasm for all things classical.

University of Bristol
Beacon House
Queens Road
Bristol, BS8 1QU , UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 928 9000
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